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Work With Catherine

Services That Are Changing The Way We See Wellness

Friendly Conversation

One-on-one Emotional wellness coaching

There are so many mindfulness and self-development apps, books and courses out there it can be overwhelming


  • You have a dozen self-help books and don't know where to start.

  • You have downloaded your favorite app but need a little extra support

  • You have started online courses and not finished them because there was no accountability

  • You are new to mindfulness and meditation and need some guidance

  • You want to share experiences in a group and learn from others.

  • You are looking for something tangible, meaningful and new.

Get a complimentary consultation today. 


This is the perfect introduction to mindfulness for your team​. MIND POTENTIAL brings the experience of mindfulness into the workplace at all levels.


Mindfulness training has been proven to reduce stress, improve focus, improve communication and interpersonal relationships, and increase peak performance. Teams perform better in psychologically-safe environments in which they feel connected to their management and colleagues.


When employees can communicate their thoughts openly and honestly, the team is able to develop higher quality solutions to challenges.


The MIND POTENTIAL POP UP gives you the power to make an impression on your employees and create a positive shift in your company culture by tapping into your employees' senses and engaging them in real conversations about mental health and wellbeing, 

Engage your workforce in a unique and captivating physical environment while creating an immersive mindfulness experience.


The POP-UP experience creates a truly unique microcosm of wellbeing, openness, curiosity and trust int the workplace 

Generic Wellness programs are out.

   Welling empowerment is in. 


In today's highly competitive and rapidly changing work environment demands leaders to shift their mindset from a focus on process to a focus on people.

Each working environment is different so why should wellness plans look the same?

In this evolving and unique workspace, creating the right employee experience can help your organization attract and retain high-value employees who work innovatively and productivity with not just for your or organization.

Work With Catherine

Happy engaged employee

Thank you for offering this.  I thought it would be very difficult to do at work and then hard to bounce back into work mode but I found it most refreshing!

Happy engaged employee

Thank you for this experience yesterday.  Both the meditation and the massages were very enjoyable and relaxing.

Happy engaged employee

I have found the information provided in your weekly newsletters to be very informative and I often refer back to it when in stressful situations. 

Culture is to recruiting as product is to marketing, talented people are more easily attracted with a great culture - HubSpot

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